“Limits, Isolation, Removal, and Insulation," sculpture and video installation
This installation involved sound and light (video performance) and sculpture to create an environmental narrative. Two monitors play two different audio and image loops: one monitor with a path of broken glass leading up to it plays a slow-motion image of me, shirtless, covering my eyes, then mouth, then ears. The slowed-down audio of glass breaking sounded more like pinging music which came from a raw speaker lying on the glass path. The other monitor shows images of me, nude, placing a raw audio speaker on parts of my body. I had a woman at the space break down in tears who told me how powerful the space was. She said that it was like theater that encompassed the entire space. The other sculptural objects include walking stilts, a layered tar paper shield and a box made out of insulation material full of broken glass with a pair of wax-covered gloves and a tool nearby.